Wear + Care

How to Wear your BODYMOONS™

BREASTS (worn as a bra under snug clothing or inside a bra, for coverage, shape and a bit of volume)

  1. Remove the protective sheet from your moons

  2. Place the bottom edge of the moon underneath your breast (experiment which edge you want to use: straight, rounded or wear vertically, depending on top style)

  3. Hold against your skin and pull the moon up over your breast

  4. Press firmly

    PRO TIP: DRESS FIRST! This helps with proper placement and hold of your Bodymoons between your clothes and your skin.

SHOULDERS (achieve a pop of shape and volume)

  1. Determine the placement of your moons according to your clothing style

  2. Press your moon firmly on your shoulders

CALVES (create the appearance of a calf muscle under all “skinny” bottoms)

  1. Determine where you’d like to see your “new calf muscle” 

    1. When wearing a mid-calf boot, wear higher to see the pop of muscle

  2. Place the straight side of the moon on the inside of your shin, under your knee bone so when you look down on your leg you can see the “pop”

  3. Stretch the moon toward the back of your leg and press firmly



How to Care for your BODYMOONS™

Wear your moons on clean, dry skin (DO NOT use body creams or oils)

  1. When not wearing your moons, store with the protective sheet coverings and place inside the cotton pouch

  2. Gently handwash your moons with detergent-free soap to remove any natural oils, sweat and fabric fibers (do not use your fingernails), rinse and air dry

  3. When the edges begin to lose the adhesive, please replace with a fresh new pair

For more information and to re-order, please visit www.bodymoons.com